Saturday, September 10, 2011

Prophetic Dimension

The events that are taking place all around the world has a prophetic voice today for the Church of Jesus Christ. What does it take to hear the voice, It just takes an "ear to hear, what the Spirit says to the Churches." Rev 2:29

Remember dear, the Holy Spirit speaks only to the Church and not to the world... because the World neither Knows Him nor can receive Him. and Jesus said, but you know Him, for he lives with you and will be in you(John 14:17)

After Jesus ascended to the right hand of God the Father, He revealed Himself to John the Apostle in the Island of Patmos and gave him glorious Revelation. BUT, who do you think was Jesus thinking of when He spoke to John? Church! It was Church - The Body Of Christ was in His mind. You may wonder, how?

You know, before Jesus could open the Heaven and show the Glory of Heaven to John the Apostle, He told John, "To the angel of the Church in Ephesus write..." 'Seven times'Jesus repeated these word in Revelation, because The Church is in the centre of God's eternal plan and to speak about the the Glory without the Church - The Bride, it feels incomplete. In the Book of Revelation, Letter to the Seven Churches precedes the vision of Heaven, because the Glory of Heaven is meant for the Body of Christ. The Bride of Christ is the legitimate heir of Heavenly Glory. Amen. Remember 'JESUS IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT THE CHURCH'

"And Christ Jesus is the head of the body, the church" Col 1:18

Thrilling isn't it? Remember, Jesus is only the Head, but the Church is the Body of Christ and We together make the body of Christ. Hallelujah!!


 The Church was born out of the Pangs of the Cross.
 The Church was born out of Passion of Christ.
 The Church is the very heart of God.
 The Church was concieved in the mind of the Almighty before the foundation of the world.
 The Church is not an idea of philosopher. It is God's Idea.
 The Church is not a mistake; it is the very purpose of God.
 The Church is the Mystery revealed.
 The Church is Hell plunderer.
 The Church is the Body of Christ.
 The Church is the Bride of Christ.
 The Church is Blood washed living witness of Christ.
 The Church is Unprecedented.
 The Church is Indestructible.
 The Church is Invincible.
 The Church is eternal.
 Because the Church in Truth, is, what Jesus is...

And now, the reason why Letter to the Seven Churches precedes the vision of Heaven is because, the Church (The Bride) must get ready for the Bridegrooms soon return. Can there be marriage supper without the Bride? Impossible. Therefore, Jesus has His heart poured out in the book of Revelation, asking the Church to repent and set things right from... repent from cold heart, forsaken first love, heresies, false teaching, unfaithfulness and stand firm in the Lord, keeping faith until death.

Keith Green rightly sang this song,

"The world is sleeping in the dark, that the church just can't fight, coz she is asleep in the light."

The Church can't fight, because she is sleeping in the light. Those that are sleeping are in jeopardy, be it the World or the Church. Therefore, O'Church, listen to what the Spirt says to you...

"... that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed" Rom 13:11

...and if this is indeed so, then its time for us blow the Trumpet and get the Bride of Christ ready for the Heavenly Glory. For the groom says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” and the Bride say, "Come, Lord Jesus." Amen